Irish & Gordon Setters

The other two breeds of Setters - Irish (the red ones that originated in Ireland) and Gordon (the black and tan ones that originated in Scotland) - are similar to English Setters in many ways, yet there are subtle differences among them. Irish Setters are described in their breed standard as "rollicking," Gordon Setters (in their standard) as "alert," and English Setters (in their standard) as "gentle."

In general, Irish Setters are tall and usually refined in build, Gordons are the heaviest of the three Setters, and English Setters are the smallest of the three. The English Setter is known as the moderate Setter. This applies to physical build as well as temperament.

Because many breeders lately has tried to develop a breed of Irish Setters more adjusted to household life, many Irish Setters are no longer as suited for hunting as they once were. Go to Sitemap | Animal Concerns Community | English Setter Rescue
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